One God News
Faith Perspectives and Stories That Matter

About Us

One God News is more than just a news platform; it is your trusted guide and companion in the realm of faith, providing you with the support and understanding you need. We are your one-stop destination for the latest Christian and religious news, not only from the U.S. but across the globe. Our team of committed journalists works tirelessly to ensure you receive information as accurately as it is unbiased, allowing you to form well-informed opinions. But we do not stop there. We passionately cover stories that speak to your heart, from acts of faith and kindness to the trials and tribulations Christians face.

One God News is a cherished member of the One God Network (OGN), a community of Apostolic Pentecostal websites, Facebook groups, and Twitter pages. OGN's mission is to share the Oneness Doctrine based on the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. We strive to communicate it in a simple, approachable manner that resonates with the hearts of believers and seekers alike.

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Please be aware that while One God News strives to present the most accurate and objective information, we are a platform guided by our faith and belief in the Oneness Doctrine as taught by Jesus and the Apostles. The viewpoints and interpretations presented through our news stories may align extensively with Apostolic Pentecostal doctrines. We encourage all our readers to understand the context in which we report and to utilize our platform as a base for their interpretations and discussions rather than as an absolute source of truth. Scriptures quoted in our content are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. We intend to foster a sense of community and promote understanding, respect, and love for all followers of Christ.